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Revitalising our High Streets and Urban Villages

Paddington is fortunate to have some of the best high streets and urban villages in the city, from Park Road to Given & Latrobe Terraces, Caxton Street, Bardon Central, and Rosalie Village. However, the public amenity of these areas are sorely lacking – it’s hard to get around, and there are too few places to sit or use the bathroom. Especially in summer, a lack of shade trees make portions of these high streets far too hot and uncomfortable to enjoy.

Addressing these issues will revitalise local businesses and make the precincts more friendly for locals and visitors to the Paddington community.

I will fight for revitalising our high streets by ensuring Council:

  • Doubles the number of deep-planted shade trees, alongside more bushes and planter boxes
  • Creates more safe, raised pedestrian crossings so it is easier to get around
  • Investigates purchasing sites to create new pocket parks so there is more green space to enjoy
  • Funds a free bus loop connecting residential areas and popular high street destinations
  • Installs water bubblers, more seats and benches to sit in the shade to help fight the heat and relax, and accessible public toilet blocks
  • Prioritises murals and local artists, and bans large, corporate electronic billboards